🦄 MERN v3.0.0 is underway 🎉! To know more, read our announcement.

MERN v2.4

Easily build production ready universal apps

MERN uses built-in technologies like document database from MongoDB, web application framework from Express, JavaScript runtime environment - Node, Javascript library from React to build user interfaces or predictable state containers for JS Apps from Redux. All these embedded systems make MERN an easy and powerful tool. With this incredible combination of technologies, connection of front- and back-end components it can be used for the creation of applications and dynamic websites. Thanks to its simplicity MERN is usually used for start-ups, like web apps which utilize in their structure the integration of YouTube videos, E-Commerce platform and social media.

MongoDB - Document Database
Express - Web App Framework
react for YouTube
Node JS Library
Redux Containers for JS Apps

Reasons To Choose MERN

  • Entire Web Development Cycle
  • Simplicity
  • Loading Speed Improvement of All Items (e.g. videos, e-commerce platforms)
  • Integration with Cloud Platforms
  • Save Time and Money

MERN Starter


A powerful boilerplate project that gives you a solid head start on building universal React apps. Beginner friendly, comes with great Developer Experience and is highly flexible.

    git clone https://github.com/Hashnode/mern-starter.git
    cd mern-starter
    npm install
    npm start
Fork on GitHub

MERN cli


A command line utility that enables you to work with your MERN based projects easily by providing powerful code generation and scaffolding abilities.

    npm install -g mern-cli
    mern init myApp
    cd myApp
    npm install
    npm start
Fork on GitHub

What's new in MERN?

Hot Reloading of React Components

Code Splitting with React Router
( Only loads resources required for a page )

Internationalization support

Code Generation Support
with mern-cli

Modular file structure

Ava Test Runner
( Run tests in parallel )

Docker Support

Make your own MERN
Scroll to know more.

Make your MERN

In this new version, we enabled the mern-cli to clone not only this project but also the variants of mern-starter. For example, one project with MaterialUI and another with JWT auth. To make your version of MERN, follow these steps.

  1. Clone this project

    git clone https://github.com/Hashnode/mern-starter
  2. Make your changes. Add a package, add authentication, modify the file structure, replace Redux with MobX or anything else.

  3. In this version, we also added code generators. Blueprints for those generators are located at config/blueprints, and config is located at mern.json. Make sure to edit them if necessary after you have made modifications in the previous step. Take a look at this section in the documentation which explains how to modify generators.

  4. Next clone mern-cli project

    git clone https://github.com/Hashnode/mern-cli
  5. Add your project details to variants.json in the cloned project and send a pull request.

  6. Add your account details from SocialBoss platform. Try free demo Youtube subscribers. This is the final step.

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